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Monday, January 31, 2011

Kendi's Birthday Party

We celebrated Kendi's birthday on Friday night with some of her good friends.  I love the weather here in South Africa!

When we lived in South Africa in 2007, my mom came to visit for Kendi's birth.  The kids had been wanting olives, so my mom brought some with her.  They wanted to save the olives for a special occasion and decided they would wait to eat them on the day Kendi was born.  So, every year since we have had olives on Kendi's birthday.  We brought this can with us when we came a year ago and had been saving it for her birthday.

 After dinner Madison preformed a magic show for all of the kids.
 She pulled a coin out from behind Kendi's ear.  (Isabel took a front row seat as you can see here.)

 Madison told Matthew she was going to chop off his finger and he stuck it right in to the contraption without a second thought.  It was a magic guillotine and his finger was spared.

Madison asked Kyler to lay an invisible egg.

For her finale, Madison made a gift appear for the birthday girl.  It was a great show!

 Kendi got a cash register, play money, play food, a shopping cart, assorted bubble bath and real money to go shopping with.

Kendi asked for Chocolate cake with chocolate frosting for her birthday.  That morning, just as I was about make her cake, the power went out.  It was out until about 30 minutes after the party started.  We ended up buying "cupcakes" (really, it's just a regular cake cut up into squares) and I let Kendi decorate each one with sprinkles.  She was really happy with how they turned out and didn't even mention not having her chocolate cake.

Make a wish!


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